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Express Band :: Tiwiwik

Express Band :: Tiwiwik
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Item #199022
Regular price:$12.99
Sale price:$9.99
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    Product Description

    The daring Express Band is credited with changing the sound of Ethiopian music. Drawing on their experience with some of the most renowned bands in Ethiopia, they have pioneered their own unique sound. As a result, they are currently the leading band in Ethiopia.

    Producer: The Express Band
    Executive Producer: Aman Adinew

    Music Samples
    1. Chinkim MekerayėPlay
    2. Ye-Harr ShereritPlay
    3. MignotėPlay
    4. Innatė NeshPlay
    5. AlchalkumPlay
    6. Set AlamnimPlay
    7. Kurtun NigerignPlay
    8. Ye-Hiywotė HiwotPlay
    9. SiraPlay
    10. Libesh KabashinPlay
    11. Hallo HalloPlay
    12. Ye-Fikir MigibPlay