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Theodros Mitiku :: Teddy's Mood

Theodros Mitiku :: Teddy's Mood
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Item #198012
Regular price:$12.99
Sale price:$9.99
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    Product Description

    Theodros Mitiku is one of the most talented and versatile Ethiopian musicians working today. Teddy's passion for music emerged at an early age when he was given an alto saxophone by his second grade music teacher, and his talent has continued to flourish. Starting in 1962 Teddy has performed with the Ibex Band, the Menelik Band and other bands in Egypt and the United States, finally returning to Ethiopia after a fifteen year absence.

    Producer: Abegasu Kibrework Shiota
    Executive Producer: Aman Adinew

    Music Samples
    1. Fikirih BeretabignePlay
    2. Ye-Aynë TesfaPlay
    3. ShemonmwanayëwaPlay
    4. Teddy's MoodPlay
    5. Woy FikirPlay
    6. MamayëPlay
    7. Kifu AyinkashPlay
    8. Inde EyerusalemPlay
    9. AwashPlay
    10. Ye-Aynë Abeba NeshPlay
    11. AstawisalehuPlay