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Theodros "Afro" Kassahun :: Teddy

Theodros "Afro" Kassahun :: Teddy
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Item #102012
Regular price:$12.99
Sale price:$9.99
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    Product Description

    ...Without a doubt, Theodros Kassahun is one of the most versatile and exciting singers ever to grace the Ethiopian musical landscape. A resident of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, this relative new comer began singing in high school and has been performing professionally for the past four years...

    Producers: Theodros Kassahun, Express Band & Dawit Mellesse
    Executive Producer: Aman Adinew

    Music Samples
    1. LėboPlay
    2. Wa-ZendiroPlay
    3. KezebiyėPlay
    4. TsigėredaPlay
    5. LomiyėPlay
    6. GuadegnaPlay
    7. HagerėPlay
    8. ShegnehushPlay
    9. TizibitPlay
    10. Gud SerachignePlay
    11. Wub AlemėPlay